Stories Shorten the Road

A Series created by Mary Louise Chown

This series was created with funds from the Safe at Home program offered by the government of Manitoba to help people stay safe at home during the Covid 19 pandemic, by providing something interesting to do. Everyone enjoys a well-told story and so I have gathered some of my favourite stories for all ages to share with you, wherever you are waiting out the pandemic storm. Besides offering stories for you to find on my website and on my youtube channel, I am also offering 2 weekly sessions of live storytelling on Zoom, where you can join and listen, or participate by telling some of your own stories.

Do you like to listen to stories? Folktales, myths, legends, historical stories? Do you have stories of your own you would like to tell, but aren’t sure how to get started? Discover the power and meaning of stories by taking part in one of my weekly Zoom sessions. You can join in wherever you are living right now. I will be telling stories live on Zoom each week. There will also be an opportunity for you to help e tell a story, or tell a tale of your own. I can help you get started.

The ancient medium of storytelling is even more relevant today. No special equipment is needed; only your voice. Learn how to tap into this accessible form of communication, or come to Zoom as part of the listening audience. We can make a virtual community to keep each other company while we wait for the pandemic to be over.

Use the contact me form on my website and make sure your message also contains an email address so that I can send you a Zoom invitation.

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 1 – Stories Shorten the Road

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 2 – Owl

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 3 – Fox and Coyote

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 5 – Lost in the Snow

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 6 – The Wish

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 7 – The Gunni Wolf

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 8 – The Magic Fish

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 9 – Grampa and the Chicken

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 10 – The King’s Ears

Stories Shorten the Road Episode 11 – The Fountain of Youth

Stories Shorten the Road: Episode 12 – The Gunni Wolf